I am really NOT happy right now!
"Grrr" |
My Mommy said, "You're getting kind of stinky Jazzie."
I said, "Thank you Mommy!"
Mommy said, "It's time for another bath."
I said, "WTF?!?!"
Mommy said, "Don't bark at me like that. Come on..."
So, I did what any self respecting, wanting to stay smelly dog would do....I hid in my crate!
Well, then Mommy tricked me! She sat down in the floor with my leash and some nommie hot dogs. I honestly thought we were going to go do some more leash training. I mean it's HOT DOGS! Those are reserved for the "I really want you to know how happy you are making Mommy" moments. I had no choice. So, I come and get my hot dog, and Mommy clips my leash on. Then we start heading toward the front door, but we make a detour to the bathroom. I think Mommy just needs to straighten her hat, but then she closes the door! She takes off my collar and puts first my front feet, then my back feet into the bath tub....full of WATER!!
First she shoves a hot dog in my mouth, and tells me what a good girl I am, and then she pets me and loves me, and gives me another hot dog. Then....she begins alternatley dumping water on my back and giving me hot dogs. I don't know if I should be fighting her or licking her, so I just stand there all mixed up. Next she puts some smelly stuff on me and rubs my back and belly and legs. I have to admit, that was kind of nice. But then she starts dumping water on me again; by this time I'm trying to sneak a leg over the side of the tub, but Mommy keeps catching me. At long last, Mommy tells me okay, and I hop out of the water. Mommy rubs me with a big towel, and even lets me tuggie on it some. But let me tell you, no amount of niceness will ever make up for the bath torture!
I don't even understand the point of it. It's not like it made me look any better, right?
Is this my good side? |
What about from this angle?
Check out this angle. |
Still the same beautiful, shiny, luxurious, silky black coat I always have.
I think I even smell worse now than before I had a bath! Humph!
Where'd all my outdoor smells go? |
Like I said, my Fun Friday turned out to be not-so-fun, and I am NOT happy....
*sigh and pout* |
Puppy Love!!